Hearing aids
During this period, it is important for the teenager and young adult to minimise misunderstandings and misconnections through well-developed inference and pragmatic skill sets. To ensure this, it is critical to wear hearing aids at all times – but you will be less and less aware of what your child is doing. During this individualisation period, concerns about how your teenager feels that he/she looks and appears become increasingly dominant. They want to look cool and copy their friends. Rejected or limited use of hearing aids is a risk and discreet hearing aids are therefore important.
They will also need, and want, to participate in various activities and arrangements where background noise is present – cafés, concerts and parties. In these settings, their hearing aids can help them to focus and distinguish speech from noise. Let them evaluate their hearing aids towards the end of this phase. Hearing aids for children with BrainHearing technologyTM are a great support when they are young teenagers, and for adults there are also advanced solutions for both moderate and profound hearing loss.