These hearing aids are moulded to fit inside your ears, making them very discreet or even invisible hearing aids.

What is it like to have in-the-ear hearing aids?

In-the-ear hearing aids sit snugly in your ear canals, out of the way of glasses, hats, and other headgear. The smallest are invisible* hearing aids, while the larger models are coloured to match your skin tone.

*Invisible in the ear for 8 out of 10 people.

See our best in-ear hearing aids

What kinds of in-the-ear hearing aids are there?


It might seem like there are many hearing aid types, but don’t worry – it’s really quite easy to understand. We offer five different models of in-ear hearing aids.

Invisible-in-the-canal hearing aids Invisible-in-the-canal hearing aids
Our smallest hearing aids can sit inside your ear canal. These are also called invisible hearing aids.

Invisible-in-the-canal (IIC) hearing aids sit far enough in that they cannot be seen by other people*. A thin plastic ‘pin’ remains accessible, for you to pull the hidden hearing aid out with.

Not everyone can have these completely invisible hearing aids because your ear canals need to be big enough to fit them.

Oticon IIC hearing aids suit people with hearing loss that is mild or moderate/severe.

IICs are custom-made hearing aids that are moulded to fit your ears precisely.

The best invisible hearing aids automatically adjust to different sound environments, so you don't need to touch them or change their settings during the day.

*Invisible in the ear for 8 out of 10 people

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Completely-In-the-Canal hearing aids (CIC) Completely-In-the-Canal hearing aids (CIC)
Very discreet hearing aids that sit in the ear canal and are well hidden from other people.

These are well-hidden hearing aids, however they are not completely invisible hearing aids. The faceplate is coloured to match your ear colour, for maximum discretion.

These suit people with mild to moderate/severe hearing loss.

Completely-In-the-Canal (CIC) hearing aids automatically adjust to different sound environments – so there’s no need to change their settings during the day. However, if you prefer manual control, CIC hearing aids give you the option of a control button, due to the slightly larger faceplate which has the necessary space for a button.

CICs are custom hearing aids that are moulded to fit your ears precisely.

Find a hearing care professional near me with CIC hearing aids


In-The-Canal hearing aids (ITC) In-The-Canal hearing aids (ITC)
Slightly larger than Completely-In-the-Canal hearing aids. These can be Bluetooth hearing aids – so you can connect wirelessly to smartphones, TVs, and other devices compatible.

A small faceplate is visible in the lower part of the ear. This can have a volume wheel to control the sound level, and a button to control the program.

As Bluetooth hearing aids, you can pair ITC hearing aids with many digital entertainment and communication devices, as well as dedicated hearing care accessories, such as remote microphones and our remote control*. It is simple to connect ITC hearing aids. You use our free hearing aid app for compatible iPhone and other smartphones.

The larger size of ITC hearing aids makes them easier to handle than the smaller hidden hearing aid styles. This suits people who might struggle to operate very small hearing aids.

Oticon ITC suit people with a mild to severe hearing loss.

ITCs are custom hearing aids that are moulded to fit your ears precisely.

*Additional accessories may be required. Oticon accessories are available separately and are not part of the hearing aid package. The remote microphone and the remote control are additional accessories.

Find a hearing care professional near me with ITC hearing aids


Half-Shell hearing aids Half-Shell hearing aids
These hearing aids fill up more of the visible ear. They are easy to use and connect wirelessly to compatible smartphones, TVs, and other devices*.

This type of hearing aid sits visibly in the ear itself (in the concha), rather than just in the ear canal.

They are also known as low-profile hearing aids.

Because they are larger than other in-the-ear hearing aids, they are easier to handle for people who face dexterity challenges. Half-Shell hearing aids can be easier to insert in your ears and to change the batteries.

What is more, they can accommodate longer-lasting batteries and larger controls.

Half-Shell hearing aids are suitable for hearing loss from mild to severe.

Half-Shells are custom hearing aids that are moulded to fit your ears precisely.

*Additional accessories may be required. Oticon accessories are available separately and are not part of the hearing aid package.

Find a hearing care professional near me with Half-Shell hearing aids312-hs

Full-Shell hearing aids Full-Shell hearing aids
These hearing aids are the easiest in-ear hearing aids to handle and use. They connect wirelessly to compatible smartphones, TVs, and other devices*.

This type of hearing aid sits visibly in the ear itself (in the concha), rather than just in the ear canal.

They are also known as low-profile hearing aids.

Because they are larger than other in-the-ear hearing aids, they are easier to handle for people who face dexterity challenges. Full-Shell hearing aids can be easier to insert in your ears and to change the batteries.

What is more, they can accommodate longer-lasting batteries and larger controls.

Full-Shell hearing aids are suitable for hearing loss from mild to severe.

Full-Shells are custom hearing aids that are moulded to fit your ears precisely.

* Additional accessories may be required. Oticon accessories are available separately and are not part of the hearing aid package.

Find a hearing care professional near me with Full-Shell hearing aids


Which kind of hearing aid do I need?

Our hearing aids are either in-the-ear hearing aids or behind-the-ear hearing aids.

To choose the best hearing aids for you, try our quick and easy guide.

Start our quick guide

Where to buy hearing aids?

The best in-the-ear hearing aids are only available through audiologist and audiometrists. Audiologists and audiometrists are hearing care professionals. They are trained to test your hearing and fit you with the right kind of hearing aids.

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The best in-the-ear hearing aids are digital hearing aids, with a minicomputer to process the sound.

Unlike some over-the-counter hearing aids, Oticon hearing aids don’t just amplify all of the sound. First, they reduce the noise – and only then do they send high-quality sound to your ears.

See Oticon’s in-the-ear hearing aids

Noise control is almost everything with hearing aids

Good sound quality requires good noise control. This ability often determines the best hearing aids. This is especially the case when lots of people are talking. More affordable hearing aids try to control noise as well, but the best hearing aids are much better at it, which can make your life easier in many ways.

What to look out for with cheap in-ear hearing aids

Noise control is one of the main things that separates quality hearing aids from inferior ones.

Our high-quality hearing aids scan the sound environment many times every second. This helps your brain with a more natural sound picture, because the hearing aids can reduce noise before it reaches your ears.

In contrast, some over-the-counter hearing aids simply amplify all the sound, which can be very overwhelming. These include personal sound amplifiers and personal sound amplification products.

You should always have hearing aids fitted by a hearing care professional.

Cheap hearing aids that do perform some noise control tend to do it poorly – so your brain can become overwhelmed with noisy sound that is harder to understand.

Without effective noise reduction, this can leave you feeling more tired, because it requires more effort.

What is more, some cheaper hearing aids deal with noise by simply cutting out the sound around you. This gives you ‘tunnel hearing’ that forces you to focus straight ahead. It then requires more effort to hear different people talking, making it more tiring for you to have conversations.

In contrast, Oticon’s BrainHearing™ technology has been developed to give your brain ideal conditions in which to naturally perform.

Discover Oticon’s BrainHearing technology

Communication between two hearing aids

Some in-the-ear styles will communicate with each other wirelessly and can give you a more realistic sound picture.

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Bluetooth hearing aids

In-the-ear hearing aids can be Bluetooth hearing aids. This means they can connect to many other devices wirelessly.*

You can stream sound into your hearing aids from your TV, use your hearing aids to make phone calls, and much more.*

See Oticon’s Bluetooth hearing aids

*Additional accessories may be required. Oticon accessories are available separately and are not part of the hearing aid package.

Stream TV sound wirelessly

With Bluetooth hearing aids you can stream the sound from your TV into your hearing aids. The hearing aids act as wireless headphones.

This capability works equally well with music players, tablets, computers, video calls etc., where the audio is played directly in your hearing aids*.

*Additional accessories may be required. Oticon accessories are available separately and are not part of the hearing aid package.

See more about watching TV with hearing aids

Make phone calls with your hearing aids

Bluetooth hearing aids also enable you to make phone calls where you can hear the other person’s voice through your hearing aids*.

*Additional accessories may be required. Oticon accessories are available separately and are not part of the hearing aid package.

Learn about making calls with hearing aids

Use a hearing aid app

With Bluetooth hearing aids, you can control your hearing aids using a free hearing aid app that works with compatible smartphones.

Another benefit of the hearing aid app is that you can see how much battery capacity your hearing aids have left.

See Oticon’s hearing aid app

Remotely control your hearing aids

You can use Oticon’s hearing aid app to control Bluetooth hearing aids. This allows you to discreetly adjust the volume or change program using a compatible smartphone – and no one needs to know what you are doing.

You can still use the physical buttons on the hearing aids to control them as well.

Alternatively, you can use our physical remote control*.

*The remote control is an additional accessory available for purchase and is not part of the hearing aid package.

See the remote control for hearing aids

Use wireless microphone accessories

For Bluetooth hearing aids, you can get a remote microphone* that clips on to your lapel.

It connects to your hearing aids wirelessly. This enables you to make hands-free phone calls with your hearing aids. You can also put it on someone else’s lapel. Then you can hear that person’s voice directly in your hearing aids. This can be ideal during lectures or sports, or whenever you need to hear someone who is at a distance.

*Remote microphones like the ConnectClip are additional accessories available for purchase and are not part of the hearing aid package.

See more about wireless microphone accessories

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